Thursday, November 21, 2013


Counter Argument and Argument

My argument that I would like to discuss in my paper is the culture of cheating around academic institutions. Their is an overall culture to not follow the rules or guidelines in society today. This is driven by the economic disparity and propensity of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Many people feel the need to cheat to get where they need to be and it is overall not seen as taboo anymore. People do not feel a sense of wrong doing when they cheat to do something that is necessary for them to thrive. Many people would like to argue that the cheating culture is not driven by anything more than a failure in the morals of society today. While there may be a shred of truth to that statement, the overwhelming factor that leads to cheating seems to be the want and or need to get ahead in society. Another argument that may arise is the question of where is the motivation coming from for students to cheat. Some people may argue that their is an intrinsic motivation for students, something that they feel in themselves that drives them to cheat. This also does not seem to be the factor that is really pushing people to act dishonestly. Extrinsic motivation from outside factors such as job security, competition for programs, and many other situations are the real motivations to act in a dishonest way. 

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